Bertie County North Carolina, Deed Book R, Page 358
M.F. Roll #C.R.01040007
Deed of David Tool
This indenture made this Twentieth Day of March One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven between David Tool of Hancock and State of Georgia of the one part and Thomas Cone of North Carolina Bertie County of the other part, witnessed that the said David Tool for and in Consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said Thomas Cone the receipt where of is here by acknowledged by said David Tool have granted bargained and hold released and confirmed unto said Thomas Cone his heirs and assigns forever, all that Tract or parcel of land containing two hundred acres more or less, and laying in Bertie County and Willed by Edward Tool to David Tool his son- bounded as follows, Beginning at Maple Jumping runs thence S.30.E to a corner thence S65.E to a red oak thence N.25.E to a post oak thence N.30.E thence N. thence N.20.W to Busbeas Corner thence S.60.W to a red oak Narons Pattent thence N.45.W to a lightwood stump thence down Jumping Run to the Beginning corner. Together with all and singular the rights and appertainances whatsoever there unto belonging or in any ways appertaining thereto belonging, To have and to hold the said land and premises unto the said Thomas Cone his heirs and assigns forever in fee simple and to his and their only proper use and behalf forever and further the said David tool and his heir the said land and premises unto the said Thomas Cone and his heirs shall forever warrant and defend against the Title rights of any person or persons whatsoever claiming the same.
In witness where of the said David Tool and Tabitha his wife hath set their hand and seal the date above written, signed sealed and delivered in presence of us, Eli Tool, Frederick Holland.
State of North Carolina Bertie County, May Term 1797. The within Deed from David and Tabitha Tool to Thomas Cone was proved in open Court by the Oath of Frederick Holland one of the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be registered.
George Gray