The Maggie Tyler Humphry Bible
L.H. Toole, son of W.T. and
Ancibelle Toole was borned Sept. the tenth Eighteen hundred and forty two
MIP(unreadable) R.A.Johnson,
daughter of Isaac and Luenetia Johnson was borned March the twenty seventh
Eighteen hundred and forty nine
M.V. Tyler, son of J. M. and
Bersheba Tyler was borned Dec. 11th 1839 Rosa Woodward, daughter of W.J. and
Susan Woodward was borned Jan. 16th 1843
Minnie E.Tyler, daughter of
M.V. and Rosa Tyler was borned Feb. 8th 1868 Maggie P.Tyler, daughter of M.V.
and Rosa Tyler was borned July 1st 1869 Rosa B.Tyler, daughter of M.V. and Rosa
Tyler was borned Dec. 21,1870 Ben F.Tyler, son of M.V. and Rosa Tyler was
borned June 23rd 1872.
Cora Tyler, daughter of M.V.
and Rosa Tyler was borned Nov. 14th 1875.
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G.F.Toole, son of Benjamin
and Susannah Toole was born Sept. 25, 1808
Walter T. Toole was born
Sept. 5th,1810
Harriet M.Toole was born Oct.
18th, 1812
Clarissa Toole was born Sept.
12, 1814
Barsheba Toole was born Oct.
13th, 1816
Alpha A.Toole was born June
30th, 1818
Unity Toole was born in 1820
Emily Toole was born August
16th, 1822
Lavance H.Toole was born Jan.
20th, 1824
Chas.F.Humphry, son of Chas
A. and Maggie Tyler Humphry was born Jan 24, 1895.
James ? Humphry son of Chas
A. and Maggie Tyler Humphry born June 29th 1897
Margaret Louise daughter of Chas. A. and Maggie Tyler born Oct.
8th, 1899
George Humphry, son of Chas.
A. and Maggie Tyler Humphry born August 17, 1904
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Benjamin Toole died Oct.
18th, 1841 in the sixty fourth year of his age. Ezekiah Toole died Feb.
5th, 1849 age 79
Little Cora died August 30th,
1876 age nine months and sixteen days. Leila I. Tyler, daughter of M.V. and
Rosa Tyler was borned Dec. 25, 1877.
Annie E. Tyler was born June
29, 1885 and-died 12-8-74.
Chas A. Humphry born Nov.8,
1864 died May 9, 1941.
Maggie Tyler Humphry died
Feb. 8. 1961.
In Memoriam
Mr. Charles Augustus Humphry, May 9,1941.
Departed this life August 30, 1867 Faroe Atha Etta
Toole aged 21 years 7 months.
Fell asleep in Jesus Sept. the 2nd 1867 Mrs. A. (?)
Toole, wife of W.T. Toole on the evening of Sept. 9th, 1867 Rev. L.H. Toole ?
Martin V.Tyler died May 29, 1893 age fifty five years.
Rosa Woodward Tyler died Nov. 28, 1919 age seventy six
years and ten months.
Leila Tyler Staubes died August 13, 1925 age forty
seven years and eight months.
Ben F.Tyler died May ninth, 1931 aged fifty nine
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Married L.H.Toole, Eqs. and ? R.O. Johnson was married
on the twenty third of January eighteen hundred and sixty seven by Rev.
Married M.V. Tyler and Rosa Woodward was married on
the fourth of Nov. eighteen hundred and sixty six 1866 by Rev. J.A.Segler.
Charles A. Humphry and Maggie P.Tyler were united in
Holy Matrimony on Feb. 8th, 1894 at Aiken, South Carolina.
James Earl Hudson and Margaret L. Humphry were united
in Holy Matrimony on August 31, 1929 at Atlanta, GA.