The Toole Family, A Legacy of Service Last Update: 02/18/01 The Civil War had a devastating effect upon the Toole Family. Many of our ancestors, on both sides of the conflict, lost their lives or suffered injury during this time in our history. My Great Great Grandfather, Jasper Tool, served in the 14th SC Infantry. He was wounded in the left arm at the Battle of Chancellorsville on May 3, 1863 and his arm was amputated below the shoulder. Jasper's brother, Fabius Tool, who served in the 13th Georgia Infantry, died in Charlottesville, Virginia on July 4, 1862. Jasper's brother, Irwin Tool, served with the 55th Georgia Infantry. Irwin was captured at Cumberland Gap, Tennessee in 1862 and spent three years in a prisoner of war camp at Camp Douglas, Illinois. Jasper's father, Anderson Tool, and all of Jasper's brothers served with the Confederate Army during the war. This site is dedicated to all the Toole Family members who served and suffered during this war. For civil war information, click on the Confederate and Union Page links.