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Links, Resources, and Look-Ups for Toole Family
Last Update: 03/04/01
- The Toole Family Forum (For posting queries) http://genforum.familytreemaker.com/toole/
- Ancestry on Line (A comprehensive data base of genealogical sources) http://www.ancestry.com
- Family Search Services (LDS online site)
- Ninety Years in Aiken County, by Gasper Loren Toole, II; Higginson Book Company, Salem
Massachusetts, (508)745-7170.
- The W.H. Manning Files; available Aiken County Public Library, Aiken, SC (note: contains
some errors on Toole family)
- Eubanks-Permeter Families and Allied Lines, by LaVerne Cave Davis; available in Aiken
County Public Library, Aiken, SC (note: a comprehensive and accurate work)
- Leonardo Andrea Papers - Eubanks File-Barnwell County, SC; available at South
Caroliniana Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
- John Toole, Ruth Ann Rankin and Their Descendants By Joe Mason Craig and
Mary Craig, 412 S. Barnwell St. Oceanside, CA 92054-4511 (a well documented
source on John Toole).
The following have volunteered to do limited look ups in resources that they have
available in their personal libraries.
- Broken Fortunes by Randolph Kirkland (SC soldiers and sailors who died in Civil War);
contact Sanford Toole by email stoole@nc.rr.com
- A Researcher's Library of Georgia History, Genealogy, and Record Sources, by Robert
Davis; contact Sanford Toole by email stoole@nc.rr.com
- Grave Markers in Burke County Georgia by Lillian Powell; contact Sanford Toole by email
- Collections of Early County, Georgia Historical Society by Mary Whitehead; contact
Mercer Sherman by email bustdgut@surfsouth.com